Outcome-Driven Planning Blog

Use Visuals for Group Decisions collaboration decision-making visual tools and templates

Get Out of the Groan Zone

By Ryan Fullmer

April 12, 2022

The Groan Zone

When it is time to make a group decision, do you get stuck in the Groan Zone? The Groan Zone is that awkward and...

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3 Steps to Take the Pain Out of Prioritization agile leadership alignment collaboration decision-making visual tools and templates

By Julie Springer

April 7, 2022

One of the most common challenges for leadership teams is how to set priorities. Everyone has different ideas about what is most important, the...

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Project Templates to Help Teams Collaborate agile teams clarity collaboration visual tools and templates

Travel Lightly and Make a Big Impact

By Ryan Fullmer

April 5, 2022 

When Projects Fail to Make Progress

When teams are having recycled conversations and revisiting past decisions,...

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7 Steps to Success with Planning agile teams collaboration incremental delivery

7 Ways High-Performing Teams Plan Their Work

High-performing teams use Agile processes and practices to predictably deliver high-value products and services to their customers. They...

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Do Your Teams Feel Safe? agile leadership agile teams collaboration

Make a Personal Connection

People need to feel safe and valued in order to make their best contribution in the workplace. As a leader, you set the tone and have a big impact on whether...

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